> Sydowia 77
> Sydowia 76
> Sydowia 75
> Sydowia 74
> Sydowia 73
> Sydowia 72
> Sydowia 71
> Sydowia 70
> Sydowia 69
> Sydowia 68
> Sydowia 67
> Sydowia 66 (2)
> Sydowia 66 (1)
> Sydowia 65 (2)
> Sydowia 65 (1)
> Sydowia 64 (2)
> Sydowia 64 (1)
> Sydowia 63 (2)
> Sydowia 63 (1)
> Sydowia 62 (2)
> Sydowia 62 (1)
> Sydowia 61 (2)
> Sydowia 61 (1)
> Sydowia 60 (2)
> Sydowia 60 (1)
> Sydowia 59 (2)
> Sydowia 59 (1)
> Sydowia 58 (2)
> Sydowia 58 (1)
> Sydowia 57 (2)
> Sydowia 57 (1)

Sydowia 60 (1)

Issued June 30th, 2008

Edited by Reinhold Pöder, Ursula Peintner and Martin Kirchmair.

> Editorial Board
> Instructions for Contributors

Sydowia 60 (1) at Verlag Berger

Table of Contents - Sydowia 60 (1)

> Faten A. Abdel-Aziz
Diversity of aquatic fungi on Phragmites australis at Lake Manzala, Egypt

> R. Berndt, F. Freire, M. Piátek & Alan R. Wood
New species of Phakopsora (Basidiomycota, Uredinales) from Cameroon, South Africa and Brazil

> B. K. Cui, H. S. Yuan, Y. C. Dai
Wood-rotting fungi in eastern China 1. Polypores from Wuyi Mountains, Fujian Province

> L. Guzmán-Dávalos, M. Contu, A. Ortega, A. Vizzini, M. Herrera, C. Ovrebo, A. 'Rodríguez, A. R. Villalobos-Arámbula, V. Palomera, G. Vargas & A. Santerre
New morphological and molecular data on Gymnopilus purpureosquamulosus and its phylogenetic relationships among similar species

> Roland Kirschner & Chee-Jen Chen
The Ovulariopsis anamorph of Phyllactinia bauhiniae var. cassiae: first record outside India and morphological characterization

> H. Kwasna & G. L. Bateman
A new species of Galactomyces and first reports of four fungi on wheat roots in the United Kingdom

> X.-y. Liu, H. Huang & R.-y. Zheng
Delimitation of Rhizopus varieties based on IGS rDNA sequences

> Virginia Medeiros de Siqueira, Uwe Braun & Cristina M. Souza-Motta
Corynespora subcylindrica sp. nov., a new hyphomycete species from Brazil and a discussion on the taxonomy of corynespora-like genera

> Sigrid Neuhauser, Cornelia Lass-Flörl, Walter Buzina, Astrid Mayr and Martin Kirchmair
A rapid DNA extraction protocol for a PCR-based detection of Histoplasma capsulatum in bat guano

> Kazuaki Tanaka & Tsuyoshi Hosoya
Lophiostoma sagittiforme sp. nov., a new ascomycete (Pleosporales, Dothideomycetes) from Island Yakushima in Japan

> H.S Yuan & Y.C. Dai
Polypores from northern and central Yunnan Province, Southwestern China

> Obituary, Emil Müller, 1920-2008



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