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> Sydowia 64 (1)
> Sydowia 63 (2)
> Sydowia 63 (1)
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Sydowia 63 (1)

Issued June 30th, 2011

Edited by Reinhold Pöder, Ursula Peintner and Martin Kirchmair.

> Editorial Board
> Instructions for Contributors

Sydowia 63 (1) at Verlag Berger

Sydowia 63 (1) is also available as an e-book (completely or the individual articles):

eBook at Verlag Berger

Table of Contents - Sydowia 63 (1)

> V. G. Cortez, I. G. Baseia & R. M. B. Silveira
Lycoperdon ovoidisporum sp. nov. from Brazil

> G. Damasceno, J. C. G. Tenório & L. H. Cavalcanti
Stemonitaceae (Myxomycetes) in Brazilian mangroves

> S. Egli, F. Ayer, M. Merlini
More mushrooms under a full moon myth or reality?

> M. Lembicz, K. Górzyńska, P. Olejniczak, A. Leuchtmann
Geographical distribution and effects of choke disease caused by Epichloë typhina in populations of the grass Puccinellia distans in Poland

> X. Lian, M. Lackner, G. S. de Hoog, A. H. G. Gerrits van de Ende, O. Priha, M.-L. Suihko, J. Houbraken, J. Varga, R. A. Samson, B. Mälarstig, P. Thompson, R. Stott and M. D. „Richardson
Assessment of identity of filamentous fungi colonizing water-damaged building materials

> Wan-Rou Lin, Wen-Cheng Chen & Pi-Han Wang
Effects of forest thinning on diversity and function of macrofungi and soil microbes

> H.-X. Ma, L. N. Vasilyeva & Y. Li
Xylaria choui, a new species from China

> E. F. Malysheva, O. V. Morozova & M. Contu
New combinations in Clitocybula: a study of cystidiate Pseudoomphalina species (Basidiomycota, Agaricomycetes)

> J. M. Rodriguez, C. Estrabou, C. Garcia & G. Farias
High linear growth rate of the pendulous lichen Usnea angulata Ach. in Sierra Chaco Forest of Central Argentina

> C. Rojas & S. L. Stephenson
Notes on a rapid assessment of myxomycetes for Kabylie, Algeria

> Zhang Y. D., Ma J., Ma L. G., „Castañeda-Ruíz R. F. & Zhang X. G.
New species of Phaeodactylium and Neosporidesmium from China



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