Degradation of endosulfan by strains of Auricularia fuscosuccinea
Alfredo Francisco Yanez-Montalvo1, José Ernesto Sánchez, Rafael Vazquez-Duhalt, Leopoldo Cruz-Lopez, María de los Angeles Calixto-Romo
Sydowia 68: 7–15
Published online on May 31st, 2016
The insecticide endosulfan belongs to the organochloride group of pesticides, and is considered a priority pollutant. Four different strains of the white-rot fungi, Auricularia fuscosuccinea, were assayed for the transformation of endosulfan in a liquid medium, and the presence of ligninolytic enzymes during biodegradation was determined. The four strains are capable of metabolizing the insecticide in eight days, in a liquid culture at a temperature of 26 ºC. Only two strains produced ligninolytic enzymes: laccase and phenol oxidase. The cell-free culture extract transformed 90 % of the insecticide within eight days.
Keywords: organochlorides, bioremediation, phenol oxidase, laccase, white-rot fungi..
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