Marasmius pusilliformis, a new species from South China
Chun-Ying Deng, Ting-Chi Wen, Hao Huang & Tai-Hui Li
Sydowia 69: 97-103
Published online on January 23th, 2017
A new species of Marasmiaceae, Marasmius pusilliformis, from southern China is described using morphological and molecular analyses. It has tiny basidiomata, white pileus, white to brown instititious stipe, distant lamellae, ellipsoid basidiospores sized 9–11.1 × 3.8–4.6 μm, capitate fusoid-ventricose pleurocystidia, and hymeniform pileipellis of Siccus-type broom cells. Molecular analysis based on newly generated ITS sequence was conducted, and the new species was separated as a single branch in the phylogenetic tree. Morphological description, line drawings, phylogenetic placement and comparison with allied taxa are presented.
Keywords: Marasmiaceae, new taxon, taxonomy, phylogenetic analyses.
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