Coprophilous myxomycetes associated with herbivore dung in the northern Rocky Mountains
Steven L. Stephenson & Yuri K. Novozhilov
Sydowia 74: 175-180
Published online on December 14th, 2021
During the 1989 field season, samples of herbivore dung were collected from Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming and the National Bison Range in Montana. These samples were used to prepare a total of 114 moist chamber cultures, which yielded a total of 12 species of coprophilous myxomycetes. Didymium nullifilum, Kelleromyxa fimilicola, and Perichaena liceoides were the most abundant, and all three are species rarely recorded from substrates other than dung. Physarum spectabile was recorded for the first time for dung, and only a tentative identification could be reached for two specimens of a problematic Trichia.
Keywords: fimicolous, moist chamber cultures, Montana, slime molds, Wyoming
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