> Sydowia 77
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> Sydowia 57 (2)
> Sydowia 57 (1)

Contributions to the knowledge of the phylogeny and taxonomy of the Erysiphaceae (powdery mildews) – part 2

Michael Bradshaw, Uwe Braun, Monika Götz, Gökhan Dogan, Makbule Erdogdu, Mevlüde A. Ates, Katarína Pastircáková, Martin Pastircák, Sylvia Fernández-Pavía, Susumu Takamatsu, Mehrdad Abbasi, Swarnalatha Moparthi, Yusufjon Gafforov, Vasilica-Claudiu Chinan, Volker Kummer, Julia Kruse, Donald H. Pfister

Sydowia 76: 113-145

Published online on May 6th, 2024

The phylogeny and taxonomy of several powdery mildews (Erysiphaceae) have been examined. Sequences of the rDNA ITS region have been retrieved from types and additional specimens, collected in Germany, Iran, Turkey, Uzbekistan, and several other countries. Erysiphe cruciferarum s. lat. has been revised and split into E. cruciferarum s. str. on Alyssum and Berteroa (tribe Alysseae), E. alliariicola sp. nov. on Alliaria petiolata, and E. radulescui, a plurivorous species that occurs on a wide range of cruciferous hosts as well as on Cleome spp. and Papaver spp. The revision of this complex is supported by phylogenetic multilocus analyses of rDNA (ITS, 28S and IGS) and protein coding genes (CAM, GAPDH, GS, RPB2, and TUB). The Erysiphe euphorbiicola complex is phylogenetically examined. Oidium poinsettiae is very closely allied to Erysiphe euphorbiicola, but final conclusions on the taxonomy of this species and its relation to E. euphorbiicola are not yet possible and require additional sequences and multilocus examinations. E. euphorbiae-cotinifoliae sp. nov. is described on Euphorbia cotinifolia from Mexico. Podosphaera aucupariae is epitypified, and the new variety P. aucupariae var. arcuatispora on Sorbus aucuparia in Turkey is described. Furthermore, the phylogeny and taxonomy of Erysiphe pachypodii, Euoidium parthenii-integrifolii, Golovinomyces clematidis, G. hyoscyami, G. prenanthis, G. senecionis on Ligularia persica and Senecio spp., Fibroidium pelargonii, and Podosphaera clandestina var. cydoniae have been examined. Podosphaera pannosa has been reported on Mandevilla splendens (Apocynaceae). – 2 new species, 5 epitypifications, 1 lectotypification, 4 new synonyms.

Keywords: Erysiphe, Brassicaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Golovinomyces latisporus, Podosphaera sect. Podosphaera, phylogenetic affinity, rDNA ITS and 28S sequences.

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